Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cyclic Defrost Magazine

Cyclic Defrost Magazine

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“Holy Holy Holy” - Interstitial Special - Extended Playlist 291208 - 107.3FM

Posted: 31 Dec 2008 02:06 AM CST

interstice (plural interstices)

- A small opening or space between objects, especially adjacent objects or objects set closely together, as between cords in a rope or components of a multiconductor electrical cable or between atoms in a crystal.
- An interval of time required by the Roman Catholic Church between the attainment of different degrees of an order
- An undefinable void of sub-reality between the departure and return of a loved one, working days, social interaction, etc.

Connecting the dates meaningful to some in the religiously inclined and others just happy to be spuriously delighted, tonight’s episode of Extended Play celebrates all the spirit and ghosts, all the lords and souls and jesuses and spaces and heavens and whatever is imbued with lots of holy/holey meaning, like.

Coming up Nextended - Monday 5 January 09

More themes at your leisure, please, to

Cometa - Holy Paprika!
("Manos Arriba!" compilation - 2003, Bungalow)

The Young Gods - Soul Idiot
("Envoyé" 12inch - 1986, OrgaNik)

Silver Apples - Dancing Gods
("Silver Apples" - 1968, Kapp)

The Amazing Phillips Sisters - Jesus’ Testicles
("TSHDT CD Compendium002" compilation - 2006, They Shoot Homos Don’t They?) #

Soft Cell - Soul Inside
("Soul Inside" single - 1983, Some Bizzare)

Holy Fuck - The Pulse
("Holy Fuck LP" - 2007, Young Turks)

Saint Etienne - Hug My Soul
("Tiger Bay" - 1994, Heavenly)

Mark Barrage - Crucifix At Midnight
("Delays" - 2008, Mistletone) #

Bauhaus - Spirit
("The Sky’s Gone Out" - 1982, Beggars Banquet)

Siouxsie and the Banshees - The Lords Prayer
("Join Hands" - 1979, Polydor)

The Beatles - Sea Of Holes
("Yellow Submarine" - 1969, Parlophone)

坂本龍一 - Prayer (Pan Sonic Remix Parts A, B, C)
("Prayer/Salvation" - 1998, Ninja Tune)

Thierry Zéno (Field Recordist) - Long Tzotzil Litany Inhaled And Exhaled During An Ordinary Service
("Illuminated" compilation - 1996, Sub Rosa)

CM Von Hausswolff - Royal Music #1 Brains And Gods For Emanuel Swedenborg
("Rays Of Beauty" - 1995, Sub Rosa) (recorded 1986)

Hans Arp - Engel, sinnende Flammen
("Dada > Antidada > Merz" compilation - 2005, Sub Rosa) (recorded 1961)

Susumu Yokota - Trip Eden
("Laputa" - 2003, Skintone)

Richard Huelsenbeck - Phantastische Gebete
("Lunapark 0,10" compilation - 1999, Sub Rosa) (written 1916, recorded 1967)

Die Welttraumforscher - God Unknown
("Feenfeld" - 2006, Secret Wonder)

Diamanda Galás - The Lord Is My Shepherd
("You Must Be Certain Of The Devil" - 1988, Mute)

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