Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cyclic Defrost Magazine

Cyclic Defrost Magazine

Link to Cyclic Defrost Magazine

WYLD WYZRDZ – we are everyone (

Posted: 11 Jan 2009 12:53 AM CST

What do they put in the water in Utah?

Firstly' we are everyone' is a fairly big claim and given that Braden J. McKenna is the singular artist on this project and the claim is to some extent that you are part of him and he you. I could be wrong but his website starts with the claim "WE, I, YOU WILL RELEASE AS MANY ALBUMS AS SUNRA. FOR REALZ. WHY YES SOME OF THESE WYLD ALBUMS WILL HAVE A PHYSICAL HOME AND BE FOR SALE". Let me state for the record, I am I and Branden J. McKenna is definitely on another planet or at least in another country which has confabulated the concept of freedom with that of delusion.

There is no doubt that Mckenna is prolific, this is the second of four albums made in 2008 released on or through Magic Goat Records, which may put up warning signs about Mckenna not being able to control output or perhaps sequence, construct or think through prior to action of that which he is engaged upon. It is a free for all and I know that he and many other people share this sentiment but it does not necessarily form listenable music.

In terms of music it is a loop laden lo-fi ambient noise drone primarily using guitar. Moments within Slope that are truly wonderful but it is labored as are most of the tracks, aiming for a sonic wall of variance and constancy, a kind of psychedelic overuse, that does not realize that it's 'epicness' is an overblown cliché.
