Friday, January 23, 2009

Free Hiphop Now Syndicate

Free Hiphop Now Syndicate

Count Bass D - Down Easy

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 01:18 PM CST

Artist Of The Week - Urbalist

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 07:24 AM CST

Growing up in the middle class suburb of Westfield, New Jersey, life was pretty normal for Urbalist. He had his own group of friends, and started rhyming in his mid-teens. In 1999 he went off to college at Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI, met Moses "Moe Mentum" Hernandez, and the two formed a group. Something happened on the way to stardom, though, Urbalist received the news that he had cancer. Determined to beat it, Urbalist decided to write rhymes during the entire experience. Those rhymes turned into an album, Cancerous Flow: Lyrical Journal, that details his journey from the time he was diagnosed all the way up through his eventual victory over the disease. This week I sat down with Urbalist to find out more about the recording of the album, what it feels like for him when he listens to it now, and some of the other projects he's working on. Click Here...