Friday, January 16, 2009

Idol Stalker - Watching American Idol

Idol Stalker - Watching American Idol

Season 3 of America’s Best Dance Crew Starts Tonight!

Posted: 15 Jan 2009 02:34 PM PST


Have you been waiting for the return of Randy Jackson Presents America’s Best Dance Crew?  The reality dance competition kicks off its' third season America's Best Dance Crewtonight at 10pm ET/PT (9pm Central) on MTV

The season premiere is a 90-minute special episode featuring nine crews who will face off against each other in what they are calling "the most physically demanding season yet."  Sounds great already!!!

Mario LopezIf you want to catch up on the action from Season 2, you can visit and watch entire episodes online!  How cool is that?  You'll also have access to cast bios and flip books featuring last year's contestants. 

In case you are new to the show, dance crews of five to seven members compete for a chance to be named "America's Best" and, of course, to win a $100,000 cash prize!  The show is hosted by Mario Lopez and features a judges' panel comprised of JC Chasez (N*Sync), Lil Mama and Shane Sparks (formerly my favorite choreographer and judge from So You Think You Can Dance?). 

Again, it premieres tonight.  Anyone going to watch it?!

images used with permission

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David Cook Scales Fence to Sign Autograph

Posted: 15 Jan 2009 08:40 AM PST

American Idol winner, David Cook, seems like a genuinely good person and every time I see him doing something, he wins me over all over again.  He's so sweet!  He was talking to some fans after an outdoor concert and was asking them why they were all waiting for him when Keifer Sutherland was around (ha ha!).  People were tossing books and stuff over a fence for him to sign and when he got to one that was hard to get, he climbed the fence a little bit to get to it.  So cute!  Watch it here:

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American Idol 8 Phoenix and Kansas City Auditions – My Favorites

Posted: 15 Jan 2009 08:35 AM PST

American Idol LogoThe first week of auditions is over on the eighth season of American Idol.  What did you think?  Any favorites emerge for you?

From the Phoenix tryouts, I liked the following people the most:

  • Emily Wynne-Hughes (age 21) of Los Angeles, California sang Heart's "Barracuda" and did an excellent job.  She had great control which is saying a lot since the song is hard to sing.
  • JB Ahfua (age 16) of Taylorsville, Utah stunned me when he sang Idol-winner Ruben Studdard's "Flying Without Wings."  I loved the tone and quality of his voice.  I'm hoping things go well for him in Hollywood.
  • Arianna Afsar (age 16) of San Diego, California sang "Put Your Records On" and, while I loved her voice, I hated her timing.  I hope it was just a one-time thing because her tone is great.
  • Stevie Wright of Phelen, California sang "At Last" and it was one of my favorite auditions of the night.  Did she remind anyone Liv Tyler (in looks)?
  • Michael Sarver (27) sang "Thank You" and became one of my very favorites this year so far.  I really love his look, his personality and, of course, his voice.
  • Deanna Brown of Louisville, Kentucky (age 25) sang "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" and I really, really loved her unique voice. 
  • Alex Wagner Thugman (age 19) of Studio City, California gets my vote because I love the element of surprise.  I wasn't expecting much from him but when he opened his mouth and sang James Ingraham's "Baby Come to Me," I was positively floored.  Plus, he was really bright and you gotta love someone with brains.
  • Scott MacIntyre, a 23-year-old visually impaired songwriter from Scottsdale, Arizona sang "And So It Goes" and, while it wasn't perfect, it was definitely good and you've got to love a story of a man who overcomes adversity and goes on to succeed.

From the Kansas City auditions, I liked:

  • Ashley Anderson impressed me when she sang "Footprints in the Sand."  I thought it was a really good audition despite the fact that she jumbled the words a little bit.
  • Casey Carlson, a 20-year-old bubble tea maker from Minneapolis, Minnesota sang "A Thousand Miles" and the personality she put into her voice offset the imperfections. 
  • Von Smith (22 y.o. singer from Greenwood, MO) sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and, while it looks like his nerves were getting to him, he delivered a great performance.  I really like his voice and his style.  I want to see more :)
  • Lil Rounds (23 y.o. customer service rep from Memphis, TN) sang "All I Do" and I just loved it!  Her voice, her look and her name are perfect for the industry.  She reminded me of modern artists (like Mary J. Blige) with some older influence (Dionne Warwick).  Very nice.  I hope she does well in the competition. 
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New Amercan Idol Hopeful’s DUI Troubles

Posted: 15 Jan 2009 07:47 AM PST

One of this week's better American Idol auditions came from a young woman named Emily Wynne-Hughes but I'm disappointed to report that she was not only arrested for drunk driving last July in West Hollywood, she has also been sentenced to 3 years of probation and must wear a SCRAM bracelet.  The gadget monitors blood alcohol levels at all times but TMZ is saying that, at an upcoming hearing, a judge might be persuaded to allow her to compete without the bracelet on.  Wow…

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