Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brit Music Scene

Brit Music Scene

U2 - ‘No Line On The Horizon’ Album Review

Posted: 27 Feb 2009 11:35 AM PST

U2’s twelfth studio album, and their first in five years, No Line On The Horizon, is being released on March 3, 2009. Thanks to the full album being streamed on the group’s MySpace page, I’ve been able to review it early, although thanks to a mistake by the record company, I could have obtained it illegally by now anyway.

I should note straight away that I’m not really a big fan and never have been. U2 have had some fantastic songs in the past but there’s just something about them I don’t like. I think it may be Bono. With that in mind, read on.

01. No Line on the Horizon

Bono’s voice - you either love it or you hate it, there’s very little middle ground. In this song, it’s terrible, screechy, wailing, and very hard to listen to. The song is also a bit nothing, dragging towards the end and not really having much substance to begin with.

02. Magnificent

Better, but still not great. This song sounds like a dozen other U2 songs all mashed together. It’s as though Brian Eno has fed the band’s back catalog into a computer and this the result. I’d like this song if it was the first song on the band’s first album, but at this stage in their career, it’s not enough.

03. Moment of Surrender

I like the idea of this song more than the song itself. The bassline and lyrics are fine, and once again, it’s Bono’s faltering voice that ruins it. I know there’s such a thing as a rock voice but this is ridiculous. The moody guitars in the middle of the track are nice, but not enough to save it.

04. Unknown Caller

A slower song with a heavy bassline. Bono even sounds OK on this one. A good song but even this drags towards the end. Have U2 forgotten how to make punchy, no-filler, songs?

05. I’ll Go Crazy If I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight

It starts out like a Stone Roses song and then quickly subsides into the usual U2 fare. Bono trying to reach higher noted has to be one of the most painful things I’ve heard in a long time. It’s catchy in a bizarre way but not worthy of being released as a single.

06. Get on Your Boots

I can see why this was chosen as the first single from the album, because it’s the only one that I can imagine working as a single. The bassline is awesome, if not reminiscent of a hundred other rock songs. Then Bono starts singing and it all goes horribly wrong.

07. Stand Up Comedy

Not a bad song, but again, no originality. You can hear the inspirations seeping through your speakers, and that’s not a good thing for a band meant to be innovators rather than copycats. And Bono’s minuscule range is again shown up.

08. Fez – Being Born

Finally, some originality. Unfortunately, trying new things doesn’t always work, as it doesn’t in this case. The song takes two minutes to get going and then completely fails to deliver on its early promise.

09. White as Snow

Very slow, very dull, and not really worth listening to. I have to hope this is just the self-imposed lull to set up the album for an explosive finish.

10. Breathe

This feels like U2 trying to take off Coldplay and failing badly. The melody is a mess, the lyrics are inane, and Bono once again ruins the song by just being involved. I’m running out of things to say because there’s only so many negative comments I can make in one review.

11. Cedars of Lebanon

One of the worst album closers I’ve heard for a long time. I don’t want to listen to Bono delivering a monologue thanks. Just shut up, please. After 50-odd minutes of this garbage, I’ve had enough.


I hate to say it but I think U2 have lost it. We’ve waited five years for this album, then it arrives, and is utterly devoid of any hits. Some albums work without having any standout tracks, but No Line On The Horizon even fails on that score.

Bono’s voice is worse now than ever, and the whole band seem to have lost their ability to deliver original rock songs. This album is garbage, and while I’m sure the die-hard fans will defend No Line On The Horizon, I cannot find a good word to say about it.

No Line On The Horizon - 3/10

[Photo Source: From Newscom with permission]
[Photo Source:]

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