Monday, February 16, 2009

Idol Stalker - Watching American Idol

Idol Stalker - Watching American Idol

Inside Disney’s American Idol Experience

Posted: 15 Feb 2009 07:32 PM PST

I cannot put up pictures yet of what I saw while I was inside the American Idol Experience attraction at Disney's Hollywood Studios but I can tell you a few things!americanidolexperience There were five finalists and we were given instructions about how to vote for the person we liked best (there's a voting panel on the armrests).  The only problem is that you can accidentally change the vote of the person sitting next to you, which happened to me (fortunately, it was my husband).

At the event, all of the former American Idol winners were brought on stage where they were presented with awards made especially for this occasion (they looked like old-fashioned microphones).  This was the first and only time that I saw Kelly Clarkson

Season 7 winner, David Cook, did an acoustic version of his hit, "Light On" and then season 4 winner, Carrie Underwood, also performed an acoustic rendition of her song "All-American Girl."  They pair then sang "You Can Go Your Own Way" together and it was such a good duet that a lot of people were later saying they should actually record and release it as a single.

There was also a pretty hilarious exchange between Ryan Seacrest and Paula Abdul while they spoke to the "contestants" before the performances.  Paula went over to give them tips on how to relax and when she started massaging one girl's shoulder, Ryan said something like "now, remember Paula about the rules regarding contestants?"  The audience booed but we also laughed when Ryan referenced the situation with former contestant, Corey Clark, who alleged that he had an inappropriate relationship with Paula.

That's basically all I'm at liberty to say but, in the meantime, here's a video that walks you through the attraction:

image: Jyle Dupuis

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