Sunday, February 15, 2009



Face Dancer - This World 1979

Posted: 15 Feb 2009 03:47 PM PST

Next up, are the melodic power rock band from US, "Face Dancer". "This World" is their signature AOR album from 1979 and unfortunately has been in my in-tray for a couple of weeks, about the time they decided to re-release it again. Ooops. So apart from being a very solid display of excellent guitar work and sweet ballads, be warned that this has been posted with reservations. Anyhow, be sure to

Poi Dog Pondering - Poi Dog Pondering 1989

Posted: 15 Feb 2009 03:07 PM PST

The tuneful US folk/rock band "Poi Dog Pondering" are a rather exciting bunch of musicians led by the talented Frank Orrall. This is their debut self-titled album, that is very cleverly crafted from start to finish. The tracks are very catchy and well-written, especially the Irish influenced opening track. These guys are good folks and so easy to listen to. Fresh is the word. This is another one