Friday, March 6, 2009

The Rock Dose

The Rock Dose

Scott Weiland Clean And Sober?

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 08:57 PM PST

Scott Weiland6550.JPG For a long time I have had a love/hate relationship with Scott Weiland. Not like a real, personal relationship but like as a fan and music lover. When the Stone Temple Pilots first became big on the radio back in the early 90’s I was kind of digging their sound. It wasn’t the typical grunge or glam rock sound that was plaguing the airwaves during that time. It was a breath of fresh air. I liked them, but never enough to buy their album, Core. I was in a phase at that moment where I would mainly listen to metal and nothing else.

The following years they exploded and started getting huge. More songs started playing on the radio, everyone was singing their songs and suddenly the buzz that they had with me wore off really quick. Scott Weiland started getting in to trouble with heroin and his stage presence, even though it had a lot of showmanship, was a bit overboard in my opinion.

Since then I have totally disliked him. I almost wanted to like Velvet Revolver but I couldn’t get in to the music. It just didn’t work for me. I’m still more in to Metal than I am modern rock music but that’s not the reason. I just don’t like Velvet Revolver or even STP anymore.

This is where I have strange feelings towards Scott. He’s cleaned himself up a lot in the past 6 months and rumor has it that he’s totally off of the “hard drugs”. I’m not sure exactly what that means, but I’m assuming that he’s not using heroin anymore even though some sources have said that he hasn’t used heroin since 2002, but you can’t really trust everything you hear. How many times did we think Dave Mustaine was off of heroin, just to find out he was still using?

Regardless of what drugs he’s not using, I’m glad he’s not using any “Hard” drugs anymore. For some reason this makes me proud of Scott Weiland. I’m not a fan, but I’m really glad he’s cleaned up and I sincerely hope he stays that way. If he had continued using heroin I do believe that one day it would have killed him. While I would feel that it was bound to happen sooner or later, I would be saddened by it. Although I’m not a fan of Weiland, I do consider him an artist and music in general, not just the rock genre, has lost enough great artists drug use. He seems to be much happier than he has been in previous years and that’s always a good thing no matter who you are.

Image: Newscom

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Sammy Hagar’s New "Loud" Video

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 04:36 PM PST

Here is a new video from Sammy Hagar from his latest album, Cosmic Universal Fashion, called “Loud“. Cosmic Universal Fashion was released on 18 November of last year and was Sammy’s first “Solo” album since 1997’s Marching To Mars. The red rocker is 61 and still has some screaming pipes. This song also features Billy Duffy (The Cult), Matt Sorum (Guns N Roses/Velvet Revolver) and Michael Anthony (Van Halen).


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