Monday, March 9, 2009



New Swedesplease Tshirt Design Announced

Posted: 08 Mar 2009 11:49 AM PDT

Just in time for summer here’s the new Swedesplease t-shirt design. It’s the header image modified with the phrase “Vill Vu Dansa Med Mig?” The design is by the acclaimed artist/designer/illustrater Mike Lowry. I’ll put an order in soon and should have an order page up soon.

The old t-shirt design is nearly done with only a few left in stock. Thanks to Erik Kraft for designing that one.

P.S. On a slightly unrelated note Hype Machine (the blog aggregator that many music blogs get traffic from) has changed some of it’s settings. For this blog to be listed there it needs to be in the top 100. That’s measured by a combination of Technorati links, Delicious bookmarks and “watchers” on Hype Machine. If you can help me out by linking to or bookmarking my blog from any of these services that’d be much appreciated.