Friday, April 10, 2009

Brit Music Scene

Brit Music Scene

Peta Asks ‘Pet Shop Boys’ To Change Name To ‘Rescue Shelter Boys’ - They Decline

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 09:49 AM PDT

I’m all for charities looking out for the rights of groups who haven’t got a voice for themselves - be that human rights for people in undemocratic countries or animal rights. But some of the initiatives created by these charities are just a bit, well, stupid.

So it is with Peta (People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals), which has asked the Pet Shop Boys to change their name to the Rescue Shelter Boys. Seriously, have you ever heard of anything so Goddamn ludicrous?

This is one of those stories that had it appeared around April 1 would have been written off as an April Fool’s Day joke. Unfortunately that isn’t the case. This story is real and Peta really did make that request to the British pop group.

According to The Guardian, Peta Europe sent the Pet Shop Boys a letter requesting the name-change in order to protest against the conditions in many pet shops. Peta Special Projects Manager Yvonne Taylor wrote:

“Dear Neil and Chris, You have many loyal fans of the Pet Shop Boys here at Peta. We have a request that may at first seem bizarre, but we hope that after considering the following facts, you will understand why we are asking this of you: will you please consider changing your name from the Pet Shop Boys to the Rescue Shelter Boys?”

“With an emphasis on quantity rather than quality, unmonitored genetic defects and personality disorders pass from one generation of puppies and kittens to the next. Many animals end up with abnormalities that result in both heartbreak and high veterinary bills for the unsuspecting people who buy them.”

“[In] agreeing to change your name to the Rescue Shelter Boys, you would help raise awareness about the cruelty involved in the pet trade and encourage your millions of fans to consider giving a home to an abandoned or unwanted animal from an animal shelter. So, what do you say?”

No. Thankfully. I don’t doubt that many of the claims put forth by Peta about how animals are treated in pet shops are based in fact, but what the hell has that got to do with two musicians from the North of England? Nothing.

The Pet Shop Boys thankfully responded in the only way - politely declining the request. On their Web site they explained they were “unable to agree (to the request) but nonetheless think it raises an issue worth thinking about”.

I’ve thought about it and think the whole thing is stupid. Enough said.

[Photo Source: Newscom]

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