Monday, April 13, 2009

Brit Music Scene

Brit Music Scene

Gary Barlow: Robbie Not Rejoining Take That

Posted: 12 Apr 2009 11:13 AM PDT

It may be just a couple of simple lines uttered on a television show but Gary Barlow’s latest answer to the question of whether Robbie Williams will be rejoining Take That has changed everything. It seems that Williams isn’t actually welcome.

Back in December, 2008, Barlow suggested that Williams would one day rejoin Take That. It was more a case if when than if. Then just last month Williams seemed to think it was a done deal stating that it was, “looking more likely by the week,” and how “it would make sense for it to happen some time over the next year.”

But for whatever reason it now looks highly unlikely, at least according to Gary Barlow.

He made the pronouncement on Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night, telling the host that:

“People constantly ask if Robbie will rejoin us but nothing has changed. We’re a happy band right now. Robbie won’t be joining.”

Straight from the horse’s mouth, straight to the point, and seemingly no air of ambiguity. According to Barlow, Robbie won’t be rejoining Take That, certainly not now and probably not ever. Why, for fear he may upset the balance of the currently-happy band by the looks of it.

I can certainly see why Barlow and the rest of the lads in Take That would be unsure about having Williams back in the band. After all, despite the heals of his departure seemingly having healed over the years, there must still be some residual bitterness there.

What if Take That welcomed Robbie back into the fold only for him to change his mind after a few months? It could have a very negative effect on Take That as a current, and well-regarded pop group.

I would love to see this reunion take place but I don’t think fan pressure is going to have much influence this time around. And maybe it’s for the best in the big-scheme of things.

[Photo Source: Newscom]

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