Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Free Hiphop Now Syndicate

Free Hiphop Now Syndicate

Adam B's Vid Pick - E. Reece & Core Elements

Posted: 20 Apr 2009 06:17 AM PDT

At the beginning of '09 E. Reece released a fantastic album with his band, Core Elements, titled L.I.S.n 2 This Live.In.Studio. "What U Need" is the latest single off of that album and the video for it is this week's Vid Pick. It's smooth, soulful, and just straight up dope. Enjoy! - Adam Bernard

Original Post @ Adam's World Blog

Artist Of The Week - Spork Kills

Posted: 20 Apr 2009 06:04 AM PDT

Most people know Louis Dorley as Louis Logic, the quick witted emcee who is a favorite among legions of underground Hip-Hop fans. This year, however, Dorley is putting his Louis Logic persona aside and introducing his latest musical creation, Spork Kills, which also acts as an introduction to a new genre of Hip-Hop, surf rap. The first single of off the Spork Kills EP Beaches Love Us is "Night of the Hip 'N Dead" and it's already getting airplay on MTVu. A complete album is in the works for later this year and this week I caught up with Dorley to find out more about the project, his adventurous musical ideas, and how he goes about putting together a set list with such a diverse range of work. Click Here...