Friday, April 10, 2009

Know Good Music

Know Good Music

Nore Learns To Buy Off iTunes

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 05:48 PM PDT

lol @ this entire video. The dude who Nore is calling to ask dumb questions such as "how do I set up an iTunes account"? I feel his pain no homo. I heard that Jada is 2/10 though.

On the YouTube description it says "It aint that Nore is half retarded, he's just half smart." lolers

Kanye On South Park

Posted: 09 Apr 2009 06:51 AM PDT

Everybody else is giving you embedded videos that are prolly gonna die. Why bother with that when you can just watch it for free from the official site, Here's a couple clips so you get the gist of things. I must say (Ed Grimly voice) the last scene is classic.