Sunday, April 26, 2009

You Crazy Dreamers

You Crazy Dreamers

Without Words : John Fairhurst - Joys Of Spring

Posted: 25 Apr 2009 10:13 PM PDT

Ante Scriptum : Instrumental tracks are open doors for the dreamers who want to take a step back and get swept away by some infinite readings, or contemplate various horizons. Come to think of it, I would draw the following comparison : an instrumental track is to a song what a book is to a movie. Even if the title of those tracks can give you some clues to walk the artist’s steps : those pieces are wide-open spaces for freedom and dreams. So, from time to time, along with our discoveries, this new Without Words section will tip you and offer you this ultimate vagabondage…

The poetry of Michael Gulezian should have been a royal way to open this section… but it’s been couple weeks, i’m listening to John Fairhurst first effort Joys of Spring ; due to my seasonal aspirations - it’s still snowing around -  there’s no way to avoid this amazing share.
Manchester guitar virtuoso, John Fairhurst merged on his debut album an eclectic collection of songs that preserve every critic to draw any comparison. His musical landscapes will drive you from those wide American spaces with rock and blues to some light British Folk shore for finally reaching some eastern territories.

Ok, I guess some of you would have think it’s a complete non-sense : preaching for imagination and giving you a boundary video. It’s true but, i’m here to tease you and  I guess this short movie is a perfect appetizer for approaching John Fairhurst music.  “Obnox Stomp” is the album intro track, here is the second piece for rocking your sunday without limit :

Artist : John Fairhurst
: Humblesoul
Where to buy
: Humblesoul - emusic
What else should I enjoy John Craigie

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