Monday, May 18, 2009

Idol Stalker - Watching American Idol

Idol Stalker - Watching American Idol

Paula Abdul Radio Interview with WAPE 95.1

Posted: 18 May 2009 12:56 AM PDT

I was sent a video from Mark Kaye of WAPE 95.1 who interviewed American Idol judge, Paula Abdul, a few days ago.  Mark asks some great questions and I thought I would share it with you guys.Paula Abdul

The highlights include that she admits that she's not sure if she, or fellow judge, Kara DioGuardi, will be back next season but Simon Cowell will return for at least one year.  She wants to be a contestant on Dancing With the Stars (wouldn't she be great!?  I would love to see her on there!).  Her reality show, Hey Paula, will NEVER come back (thank goodness).

She also had another bizarre revelation.  She said that she went to dinner with Simon and Kate Hudson (why and how in the world did that happen?) and he patted his lap and called her over like a little lost puppy.  Umm… wow. 

Listen to it and tell me what you think:

image: Newscom

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