Russell Brand in New York City Posted: 17 May 2009 01:37 PM PDT When a comedian tells you over and over that he really is famous, it doesn’t necessarily bode well for the rest of his routine. Luckily, England’s Cockney-accented Russell Brand is truly hilarious, even when you take his tight pants, exposed hairy chest and wild hair out of the equation. Not yet a household name here in the States, you may know Brand from his role as Aldous Snow in last year’s Forgetting Sarah Marshall or perhaps his later 2008 stint as the host of MTV’s Video Music Awards. Much of what Brand performs on Russell Brand In New York City is taken from his VMA performance, both recycled and cut material, though he does cheekily make fun of his fellow Britons, both the proper, uppercrust Brits and the hooligans and tabloid The Daily Mail. There’s also a bit grabbing the Queen’s tit. What made me laugh most, however, was his Google bit about how it’s so smug when you misspell your search and it comes up with “Did you mean…” italicized. Poking a bit of fun at himself, Brand reads a smattering of death threats he’s received since hosting the Video Music Awards last fall, for begging Americans to vote for then Presidential nominee Barack Obama, and proceeds to correct his haters’ grammar and respond with masked barbs. Truly a delight to see someone laugh off idiotic mail and turn it into the joke it really is. The bonus features on the disc include the now “infamous” VMA monologue, which is actually kind of a snooze, but a segment following Russell around Times Square interacting with people is almost as hilarious at the actual performance’s outtakes where a drunk superfan interrupts the taping on numerous occasions. Taking the inebriated antics in stride at first, Brand turns the girl into a punchline and eventally tells her, “You love is fucking useless.” Some of his best material on this DVD comes from this happenstance. Do, however, check out a clip of Russell talking about meeting Britney Spears in preparation for the VMAs. Russell Brand In New York City is available on May 19th. Russell Brand: website | myspace | twitter Related Posts  |
Joy Ike @ Reading Terminal Market, Philadelphia Posted: 17 May 2009 10:19 AM PDT I owe the world an apology. I’ve known about the beautiful song stylings of Pittsburgh’s Joy Ike for just over a year, and I haven’t shared it. Last weekend, Ike played at Philadelphia’s Reading Terminal Market, a nontraditional music venue, though she wasn’t out of place amongst the other vendors. Nestled in between the food court’s The Original Turkey and Tommy Dinic’s Roast Pork and Beef sat Ike’s Yahama keyboard, manned by Ike herself, and local accompanist Josh Cohen on rainstick and djembe, whom she found via Craigslist. Throngs of Philly natives and tourists alike roam the Reading Terminal Market on a daily basis, and on this day, many were lucky enough to be serenaded as they shopped for fresh produce and meat, stopped in to browse, or sat down to enjoy a meal. Those dining in the food court sat transfixed by Ike’s gorgeous voice as a performed songs from last year’s Good Morning and 2006’s Before These Words Were Ever Spoken… Many, myself included, remained glued to their chairs long after they’d finished their sandwiches, and I my [overpriced] sushi. Dozens of passersby stopped mid-stride to admiringly catch an earful of Ike’s crooning, place bills in her tip jar, sign up on the mailing list and buy their own copies of Good Morning. She engaged the crowd with brief anecdotes and by dedicating “Hey, Where Are The Kids?” to two adorable little girls in the audience. Following a beautiful performance, Joy was gracious enough to take a photo with the Popwreckoning gig pig (below).  Joy will be traveling the East Coast this summer (dates below) and I strongly encourage you to head out to at least one. Otherwise, Joy Ike’s Good Morning is available now through Amazon and iTunes. Tour Dates: May 21 - Main Street Farmers Market / Washington, Pa. May 24 - Concious Cafe / Carnegie, Pa. May 30 - Pop Up Pittsburgh / Pittsburgh May 30 - The Altar Bar - Sardonyx Music Conference / Pittsburgh Jun 04 - Club Cafe / Pittsburgh Jun 06 - Right by Nature Natural Foods Store / Pittsburgh Jun 06 - ArtDimensions AutismSpeaks Benefit / Pittsburgh Jun 12 - Grove City Strawberry Days / Grove City, Pa. Jun 12 - South Side Presbyterian Church Coffeehouse / Pittsburgh Jun 13 - Your Inner Vagabond / Pittsburgh Jun 16 - Community Human Services Benefit / Pittsburgh Jun 18 - Teavolve / Baltimore * Jun 19 - Joe Squared / Baltimore Jun 20 - TBD / Baltimore Jul 02 - Busboys & Poets / Washington DC Jul 11 -Your Inner Vagabond / Pittsburgh Jul 15 - Howlers Coyote Cafe / Pittsburgh Jul 23 - Shadow Lounge / Pittsburgh Jul 30 - Vine & Bean Cafe / Cleveland * Jul 31 - Victorian's Midnight Cafe / Columbus * Aug 01 - Findlay Market / Cincinnati * Aug 01 - Rohs Street Cafe / Cincinnati * Aug 02 - Sitwells Coffeehouse / Cincinnati * Aug 06 - D'Vine Wine Bar and Lounge / Wexford, Pa. Aug 20 - WYEP Third Thursdays/ Pittsburgh Aug 27 - TBD / Philadelphia * Aug 28 - TBD / Philadelphia * Aug 29 - Reading Terminal Market / Philadelphia * Aug 30 - TBD / Philadelphia * Sep 05 - SLB Radio / Pittsburgh Sep 12 - Carnegie Arts & Heritage Festival / Carnegie, Pa. * w/ Brooke Annibale Joy Ike: website | myspace Good Morning Price: USD 17.49 9 used & new available from USD 13.62 Related Posts  |
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-17 Posted: 17 May 2009 09:00 AM PDT Related Posts - May 10, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-05-10 (0)
- April 12, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-12 (0)
- April 5, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-04-05 (0)
- March 29, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-29 (0)
- March 22, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-22 (0)
- March 15, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-15 (0)
- March 8, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-08 (0)
- March 1, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-03-01 (0)
- February 22, 2009 — Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-02-22 (0)
- September 26, 2008 — Live Updates From Austin City Limits (0)