Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You Crazy Dreamers

You Crazy Dreamers

St Augustine - Changing Plans

Posted: 18 May 2009 09:38 PM PDT

St Augustine

It’s been quite a while since I dwelled upon the French music scene. For no other reason than this: very few finds! I admit that I prefer to encroach the vast territories, be it the Canada of Sandy, Martin’s Great Britain with a London scene bursting with treasures, or those of my accomplices Trini & Laura who must have a terrible task covering the 50 states. Mea culpa, sometimes we only need to open our eyes, or ears for that matter, to discover pure wonders. In other words borrowing this old Tibetan saying : “Often one has to cross the plains to meet the peaks…
And it’s exactly on the foothills of the mountains facing me - Central Massif,  that I came across St Augustine. St Augustine the blessed ? Well, seriously: let’s leave the Saints in their Kingdom and let’s get on with our vices down here. In 1967, the famous raconteur Bob Dylan was singing “I dreamt I saw St Augustine” dwelling between Saints and Demons and this apparently inspired François-Régis Croisier picking his nom de scène.

Like the beautifully hand-crafted and sewn album cover, the songs from this Clermont songwriter are as much unique pieces overflowing with passion and orchestral precision. A neat production, some might simply say; but it’s a bit short : with every listening the album reveals more and more of its immaculate chamber-folk. Sublime songs as ‘Let it Go’, ‘Icelandic’ and ‘Rainy Country!!!!!’ could have easily been picked out of the repertoire of a Beirut or a Loney, Dear. At one time intimistic, at others lyrical, Mr. Croisier distils songs by songs, as many atmospheres as facets to his composer talent.
The unique timbre of his voice brings us to the other side of contemplation, inviting us sometimes to simply hum along to these subtle but instigating melodies. In sum, a magical voice reminding us of a Teitur, mind you it’s not the title ‘Icelandic’ that leads me to this comparison.
With a single stride St Augustine has joined my list of favourite French artists, arousing me to be more often on the look out for hexagonal (? national) releases.

Let It Go - St Augustine [2:55m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Rainy Country - St Augustine [3:54m]: Play Now | Play in Popup

Artist : St Augustine
: Kütu Folk Records
Where to buy : right from the St Augustine myspace page, itunes
More Appetizers : @myspace
Who else to enjoy ?
Aaron Espe, Pete Roe, John Goraj