Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cyclic Defrost Magazine

Cyclic Defrost Magazine

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Purple Brain – RVNG PRSNTS MX7 & MX7SEVEN 7″ & CDR (Rvng Intl.)

Posted: 25 Jun 2009 05:53 AM PDT

Purple Brain

The re-edit has become a respected medium of late, where the mashup often has become a cliché, the re-edit heads for higher ground, where it gains the respect by staying true to the original, not venturing too far from the original template.

Purple Brain are a new outfit in the re-edit game, and they hail from our own shores, and its great to see some great quality in this field, gaining comparisons to Finders Keepers and Dirty Edits with a finely tuned ability to dig up those hidden gems very few people have heard, and assemble them in a coherent presentation. Purple Brain have packaged together an intriguing set of 7" vinyl and CDR mix for our education.

The 7" opens with a re-edit of 'The Riot' by Barry Devorzon & Perry Botkin Jr, a highly percussive funk track, before Purple Rain assemble a plodding tribal dirge for 'Purple Brain Theme'. Their re-edit of 'To The Comrades' by Bahumutsi Drama Group heads into afro-rock territory, the whistling intro leading to an afrocentric dancefloor pleaser. This is definitely top shelf material.

Nicely packaged with a mix CDR, Purple Brain dig even deeper, pulling out some absolute gems, and mixing them into a psychedelic haze, adding cruelty by not telling us what gems are included here, a sample spotters dream… It's a massive melting pot of krautrock, latin, jazz, funk, soul, electronic, psychedelic rock, afro-rock, progressive rock, disco and avant guarde, containing the re-edits from the 7" vinyl also.

This is an engrossing psychedelic trip, dipping into the unknown chasm of untapped psychedelic goodness. Tune in, turn on, and drop out.

Wayne Stronell

Adam Trainer – Twice Worn (HellosQuarerecordings)

Posted: 25 Jun 2009 04:51 AM PDT

Twice worn

Adam Trainer, member of the Perth indie band Radarmaker and presenter on RTR FM, presents a debut album Twice Worn combining instrumental and processed sounds as a unified entity. Introductory track ‘South China Sea Two’ fuses soft and melancholy piano movements with glitch interruptions. Static tones and melodic interplay are essentially the order of the day for Trainer where cutup meets instrument meets field recordings meets laptop. While some tracks are drones overlapping and intertwining, others find brighter instrumental sounds holding the foreground while the interplay of experimentation shades the corners of Trainers world. Long drawn out vocals On ‘Cabrini Green’, almost a subtle wail, in a Radioheadesque manner, are manipulated as tonal abstraction rather than intonation. ‘South China Sea One’ is the albums standout track with a coherent melodic guitar instrumental combined with insistent static and electronic interference jostling without upsetting the experience.

The sense of collage and minimal technology promoting maximal experience is high on these glitched out minimal collages and would appeal to listeners familiar with the works of Fennesz, Phillip Jeck or Candlesnuffer.
