Saturday, June 13, 2009

You Crazy Dreamers

You Crazy Dreamers

Josh Preston’s Complex Wooden Heart (EP)

Posted: 13 Jun 2009 10:18 AM PDT

Josh Preston
Photo stolen from sonicallyaltered

Well my affinity for all things bearded and acoustic have lead me to singer songwriter Josh Preston.  There I said it…now did that sound creepy?

Well creepy-ness aside, Josh has recently been kind enough to offer up some free downloads of his material via the his Bandcamp site.  There are five (yes 5!) albums available for download that were released in the last 3 years more or less.  So come on people, head on over for some sampling!

I first came across Josh when I was looking for some acoustic stuff to include over on Slowcoustic for a playlist and picked up his amply titled album “Josh Preston’s Perpetual Bin of Demos and Other Sods You May Have Heard Live But Are Not Live Now” and included his song “Fire”. Josh being the nice guy he is, found me on twitter (follow him @joshpreston) and linked me up for the rest of the downloads!  I have picked his EP “The Complex Wooden Heart” as come on, it was labeled as acoustic and sounded like it could be some good old sad bastard music.  If you know me that is a combination I enjoy (yes, I enjoy music that evokes bleak hardships…it is just the type of music that has the ability to move you that much easier).  So I have included the four fully solo acoustic beauties for your listening pleasure - you can visit here to download a zip with it all together as well.  So ease your way into the weekend with some well scripted laments delivered right on cue from Josh.

The Complex Wooden Heart
“We Are Alone”
“Safety Feels The Exit”

**all acoustic EP**

Visit Josh on his: Website, MySpace, Bandcamp, Virb and his Blog.
