Thursday, July 2, 2009

Philippine Singing Competitions

Philippine Singing Competitions

Rhap Salazar - boy with an amazing voice! Oprah, where are you?

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 11:11 PM PDT

Rhap Salazar is really a talented singer. At a very young age, he already sings so professionally. If you know Charice, then this boy is the counterpart. The world needs to know that this Filipino, Rhap Salazar, exist and he can become a big star. We need Oprah or Ellen to discover this boy and give him his big break!

Rhap Salazar- Listen (Studio Version)

More videos after the jump.
Charice sings Barry Manilow Medley ft. Rhap Salazar

Rhap Salazar - When You Believe

Rhap Salazar - I'll Be There

Please spread the word. Let Rhap Salazar be known! Link to this post if you wanna blog about him.

Download Trey Songz - Anticipation mixtape

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 10:36 PM PDT

The Trey Songz's Anticipation mixtape was explained by Trey Songz himself on his blog. He wrote something about the album. He even posted a link where you can download the Trey Songz - Anticipation mixtape.

Many of you may ask, Why ANTICIPATION? Well lets break it down shall we:

An⋅tic⋅i⋅pa⋅tion [an-tis-uh-pey-shuhn] -noun
1. realization in advance, intuition; foretaste.
2. Musically - a tone introduced in advance of its harmony so that it sounds against the preceding chord.

Musically, I'm currently in a creative space like no other. I feel as though whenever a mic is put in front of me, I can do no wrong. At a time in the music industry where album sales are low, fans are fickle, inconsistent, or more into the various songs than they are the particular artist, I feel that I must give you a reason to love me. Embed in you a desire to love me and an appreciation for the music. I must show you that not only do I LOVE what I do but I also do it well.

The creation of ANTICIPATION began after I presented READY to my label the first time. I just started recording on my days off and the music felt great and decided that I'd rather share the music than let it sit and be idle. This is music without politics, without creative boundaries.

Troy (my mentor and founder & CEO of Songbook Ent.) and I have been making music since I was 15. There was a time when thoughts of monotonous melodies or redundant choruses weren't THE KEY to making a hit record. Music that just felt good. Although they're present at times the boundaries are endless in this body of work, giving you a (1) realization in advance to READY.

What do I mean by READY? Well, lets do this one more time.

Read⋅y [red-ee] –adjective
1. completely prepared or in fit condition for immediate action or use

I like to say don't get READY...STAY READY!!! But until then.

Visit his site for the link.

American Idol Tour Song Spoilers

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 06:11 PM PDT

What will your American Idols sing during the tour? Here are few song spoilers for you.

* Kris Allen: "Heartless", "No Boundaries", "Hey Jude", "Ain't No Sunshine", possibly Matchbox 20's "Bright Lights"
* Adam Lambert: "Mad World", "Whole Lotta Love", Muse's "Starlight", Bowie Medley: "Life on Mars", "Fame" and "Let's Dance", "Slow Ride" (with Allison)
* Danny Gokey: "P.Y.T", "My Wish"
* Allison Iraheta: "Cry Baby", Heart's "Barracuda", "Slow Ride" (with Adam), a Pink song
* Matt Giraud: "Georgia"
* Anoop Desai: "My Prerogative"
* Megan Joy: Amy Winehouse's "Tears Dry on Their Own"
* Group numbers: Madcon's "Begging" and "Don't Stop Believing" with Matt and Scott on piano

Matt Giraud - interview and updates

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 06:06 PM PDT

Matt Giraud had an interview with Yahoo music. He reveals few details of the coming American Idol tour!

Watch the interview after the jump.

Kevin Jonas is engaged to Danielle Deleasa

Posted: 01 Jul 2009 05:05 PM PDT

Kevin Jonas, the oldest of the Jonas Brothers, is now engaged. Who is the lucky girl? Her name is Danielle Deleasa, a 22-year-old former hairdresser who Jonas met two years ago in the Bahamas.

[via] Kevin Jonas popped the question after taking an overnight flight from a concert in Vancouver, and showing up at her doorstep in New Jersey, on his knee with ring in hand.

His younger brothers, 19-year-old Joe and 16-year-old Nick, are still on the market. All prominently wear purity rings, symbolizing their promise to refrain from sex until marriage.

The Jonas Brothers, who soared to fame as members of Disney's stable of teenage stars, last week scored their second No. 1 album in less than a year on the U.S. pop album chart when "Lines, Vines and Trying Times" sold 250,000 units. But first-week sales were less than half of those for their previous studio effort.