Friday, August 7, 2009

Idol Stalker - Watching American Idol

Idol Stalker - Watching American Idol

Flashback Friday - Great Paula Moments and Poll: Will You Miss Her?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009 01:37 AM PDT

It's Flashback Friday and I thought it would be great to pay tribute to Paula Abdul, who is most likely not returning to American Idol.  I'm actually pretty sad about it and I hope that they can resolve this and find a way to bring her back but I'm losing hope by the day. 

Before we get into the goodies, I thought I'd put up a quick poll to find out how you guys are feeling about this sudden change to the judges' table.  If none of these answers works for you, please feel free to leave me a comment!

Here's a fun moment from Season 7 when poor Paula was flustered because she got confused after a change was made to the judging process.  I thought it was an understandable mistake but you know how these things get blown out of proportion.


A hopeful gets a little too friendly with Paula Abdul during an audition and sings her a song about stalking and caulking her until security takes him away.  He's super intense and I have to admit that even I was creeped out and I was in the safety of my own home!

Simon and Paula created this great video and indulged all of the viewers who thought that the pair were either dating, or should get together.  I couldn't believe that they actually went through with it.  There was a little surprise from Randy at the end.


Paula debuted the music video for her single "Dance Like There's No Tomorrow" on American Idol and the crowd seemed to really like it.  Randy is in the video with her and, at the end, a picture of Ryan, Paula and Randy was shown and I thought it was pretty cute!

Post from: Idol Stalker