Sunday, August 9, 2009

She Plays Music

She Plays Music

India.Arie Video Review: “Therapy”

Posted: 08 Aug 2009 11:38 PM PDT

I saw India.Arie's video for the single "Therapy" for the first time this week and I have to say that I'm a little disappointed.  She made a name for herself by being a strong woman who didn't need to change or conform to society's standards in order to be beautiful/successful. 

With songs like "Because I Am a Queen" and "I Am Not My Hair" her lyrics set her apart as being independent and unique and she was an example for African-American women who struggle to keep their hair smooth when it's just as beautiful to go natural!

In this new video, she's sporting some long silky locks and, while I found that interesting, I was less impressed with the actual song.  It's catchy and if anyone else was singing it, I would probably like it a little more but it just sounds so mainstream and commercial for an artist as talented as India.Arie.  What do you think of it?

Post from: She Plays Music