Saturday, September 12, 2009



Rammellzee Live @ The Antennae (U.K.),1982

Posted: 12 Sep 2009 07:00 AM PDT

Another little piece of hip hop history that found its way onto the T.R.O.Y. forum, courtesy of Relm:

Found this on an old tape i had of a James Lavelle (mo wax founder) the only problem is it is only 4 mins long wish it was longer. Feat Grandmixer d.s.t / Rsc / Phase 2 / Afrika bam / Futura 2000. Anyone have the full cut?
Now, if you are not familiar with Rammellzee by now, get familiar, but understand that this is not your run of the mill hip hop personality. This is the bugged out, nasal alien-like voice on "The Beat Bop." The lunatic from Cypress Hills, Brooklyn freestylin' with his hand on a shotgun pump in Wild Style. The Gothic Futurist with a knack for reinventing language by deploying symbols in cosmic warfare. Right. Peep the videos for more scientifical madness.

-- Thun