Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hip Hop Roll

Hip Hop Roll

Nas Takes On CNN Over Violence

Posted: 07 Oct 2009 04:30 PM PDT

Nas wrote an open letter called  “Open Letter To Young Warriors” on his blog the other day to pay respect for senseless beating death of 16-year-old Chicago honor student Derrion Albert. Chicago is known for their violent crimes and break ins and Nas felt that he needed to say something. The letter stated that people need to know that their enemies are not each other.



CNN asked Nas to appear on the show for his opinion of the escalating violence. Blaming it all on hip-hop, CNN’s Don Lemon played a track of Nas – “Shoot Em Up” from his 2005 album. Being very diplomatic, Nas pointed out to Don that music in general is about telling everyone you deepest thoughts. Music is a medium by which you can see into the artists soul. Nas said that he raps about reality. Violence is here and it was here before music even existed. It exists now because we still haven’t figuered out how end it.

If lawmakers really want to know how to reduce crime all they need to do is compare two neigbourhoods, one with crime and one crime free. Find out what they do differently and start there. I guarantee you that you’ll find that income, influence and options are what tears communities down. When people have no little or no money they can’t pay for an education, get a good job and will end up stealing to make ends meet. Who cares what music they listened too, what matters is why did they get to a place where they believed that violence was the only way to get ahead in life.

Pleas comment and let me know what you think.

Image: Amazon

Post from: Hip Hop Roll