Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Crazy Music Blog

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#3 MCMB's Thursday CD Giveaway

Posted: 08 Oct 2009 09:00 AM PDT

Each Thursday we will be 3-5 CD's to give out to our readers. This is just an awesome way that MCMB is giving back to it's readers. You'll need to be a subscriber to enter and follow us on Twitter or Facebook. If you are already a subscriber than you need to share the link so that others can jump in on the fun. Follow the instructions below to enter.This week's CD giveaway:Valcenia - We All Need

Getting to Know... Sky Larkin

Posted: 07 Oct 2009 03:24 PM PDT

Written by: Matthew MendozaWhen one hears the words "Sky Larkin", a bird watcher might envision a herring, an English major might recall Percy Shelley's poem "To a Skylark", but most people will naturally think to themselves "huh?" Don't worry if you fall into the last category; the English band's unique title gives a preview to their equally rare musical rhythm. Sky Larkin conducts an amazingly

OneRepublic's "All the Right Moves"

Posted: 07 Oct 2009 10:00 AM PDT

All the Right Moves - OneRepublicBuy on iTunesBuy on AmazonOneRepublic's new single "All The Right Moves" is available. The powerful, drum-heavy track is poised to follow in the footsteps of their smash hit "Apologize" which ruled airwaves across the globe and became the number one most downloaded song in US digital history."All The Right Moves" will appear on the Colorado-based quintet's