Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Brit Music Scene

Brit Music Scene

The Original Sugababes Are Reforming… Apparently

Posted: 03 Nov 2009 12:33 PM PST

It’s hard to remember the original line-up of the Sugababes performing together. It all feels so long ago, and it’s a distant memory for me, and probably them too. But there’s a chance that Siobhán Donaghy, Mutya Buena, and Keisha Buchanan are about to reform the group.

Sugababes One Touch

As soon as Keisha Buchanan left the Sugababes in September, there were rumors that with the group now being made up of a different trio than that which originally formed way back in 1998 the originals were going to come back together and start all over again.

The rumors have persisted despite no confirmations or denials from any of the singers involved. Now though, Holy Moly is claiming a deal to bring the original Sugababes back as a group is almost done.

The celebrity gossip site is reporting that Siobhán Donaghy, Mutya Buena, and Keisha Buchanan have today had a meeting with a potential producer (William Orbit or Stuart Price) and a potential label in Warners. All three are said to have been offered solo deals as a sweetener to accept the group deal.

This rumor comes at a time when the new Sugababes line-up is in complete disarray. Amelle Berrabah is allegedly relaxing in a clinic somewhere in Europe to recover from exhaustion. And the release date of the new album has been put back to give the girls extra time to re-record vocals with new member Jade Ewen.

I’d love to see the original Sugababes giving it another go but I just can’t see it happening. The trio split because they ended up not being able to work together, and although they have all grown up since I doubt they’d want to go through the same thing all over again. It’s sometimes better to leave the past where it belongs – in the past.

[Photo Source:]

Post from: Brit Music Scene