Monday, February 9, 2009

The Rock Dose

The Rock Dose

Saving Abel Roadie Being Held On Sexual Assault Charges

Posted: 08 Feb 2009 10:11 AM PST

saving abel

According to the Oakland Tribune, one of Saving Abel’s guitar tech is being held on charges of “Forced Oral Copulation” in for obviously forcing a girl to perform oral sex on him.  Guitar player Jason Null was also arrested the same evening but was released later. The girl was 17 years old and had just attended the concert the band had played. She was invited inside their tour bus after the concert.

Once inside the bus, Null pushed her face down into Danger’s exposed genitals, forcing her to perform oral sex, she told investigators.

Null has been released on a $90k bond while roadie, Brandon J. Danger still sits in Santa Rita jail. Null was arrested as an accomplice and has said that the sexual situation was consensual. Somewhere along the line a videotape was involved and Null’s attorney says it will exonerate his client. The girl was 17 years old. That makes her a minor and consensual or not it’s still a crime, stupid! Not only that but now a video tape is involved and it could bring up charges of child pornography if the girl was videotaped performing oral sex on Danger.

Image: Newscom

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