Friday, June 26, 2009

Hip Hop Roll

Hip Hop Roll

Russell Simmons Graces The Cover Of Jet

Posted: 25 Jun 2009 11:20 PM PDT

Russell Simmons will be on the cover of next months Jet Magazine. In an exclusive interview with Jet, Simmons laid out the number one priority in his life, his two daughters Ming Lee, 9, and Aoki Lee, 6.

Jet Cover - July, 2009

Jet Cover - July, 2009

After divorcing their mother, Kimora Lee, Simmons explains how difficult it has been to spend time with his children. Yet no matter what he is always there for them. He also laid out the secrets to success in life and how to make it through these tough times.

Simmons is known for giving good financial advice. So I would suggest getting next months issue of Jet and finding out how you too can become financially secure.

July’s issue of Jet hits magazine stands June 25th.

Image used with permission.

Post from: Hip Hop Roll