Thursday, October 1, 2009

Brit Music Scene

Brit Music Scene

Nelly Furtado Mourns Oasis Splitting Up

Posted: 30 Sep 2009 02:01 PM PDT

When Oasis split, or when Noel Gallagher quit the band at least, at the end of August, many people were devastated by the news, even if in hindsight it had been a long time coming. To be fair, a lot of people were glad as well, pleased to see what they saw as out-of-date Britpop dinosaurs fall from grace.


Kele Okereke, the lead singer of Bloc Party, was in the latter group, as when he announced Oasis wouldn’t be taking the stage at the Rock en Seine festival he seemed less than cut up by the news. Whereas Ian Brown, formerly of the Stone Roses, expressed his sadness that Oasis had come to an end, although he thinks both Gallaghers have solo careers in front of them.

And who else was devastated that Oasis were splitting? Why, Nelly Furtado of course. Didn’t you know she was a British music connoisseur.

It turns out our Nelly was a huge fan of Oasis right from when she was still a young girl. And she also fancied Liam Gallagher enough to write him letters. It must be the mono-brow that manages to turn the ladies so wild. Furtado told The Mail On Sunday:

“I was inconsolable when Oasis split up. That band meant the world to me. As a 16-year-old I would write letters to Liam with my photo attached and pray that he would ask me out on a date, but he never did. At college, I learned to play guitar to ‘Wonderwall’.

“Oasis were everything I loved about pop music. They could express emotions with the most simple song structures. They had the kind of brash attitude I could completely relate to.”

I doubt Liam would be very happy to see Oasis‘ output described as “pop music” but I’m sure Noel would be fine with it. I wonder if Liam now regrets not asking the young Nelly out on a date as she’s now matured into a very desirable woman. And at least she’d like his music and back him in his arguments with Noel.

[Photo Source: Newscom]

Post from: Brit Music Scene

Amy Winehouse Out-Raps Kanye West In Album Session

Posted: 30 Sep 2009 06:01 AM PDT

Except she doesn’t really now, does she. But the title of the video uploaded to YouTube a few days ago is Amy Winehouse Out-Raps Kanye West for Zalon LOL!!!!! so it seemed an appropriate title for this post as well.

This video does show a number of important things though. 1. Amy Winehouse can’t rap. 2. She looks like she’s off her face again. 3. She is at least (and at last) working on new material. 4. If this is the sort of material she’s working on then God only knows what the album is going to end up sounding like.

Stick to the soul ballads, Amy, they suit your voice so much better.

Post from: Brit Music Scene