Friday, October 2, 2009



RIP Popkonst (Stars In Coma, 50 Hertz, Lost Summer Kitten, Corduroy Utd., The Budgies, The Fermats, etc)

Posted: 01 Oct 2009 07:46 AM PDT

For all but your most obsessed Swedish music fans Popkonst would be a trivial asterisk in the indie label hall of fame. But count me as one of those that would add it on the first ballot. As you can see from the discography below Popkonst only released 17 cd’s. Mostly it was indie pop and twee they focused on.

I looked forward to each new release since there was always something redeeming to be found in the music. However it was more the potential that the label had that was cool to me. I really though they were going to make a go of it. I think I had to see that note above for more than a year before I realized they wouldn’t be back in a “couple of days” or at all. Here are a few things I rounded up from the Popkonst era.

POPK17 Lost Summer Kitten - Yeah oh wow (Pressrelease EN)
POPK16 Olle - Don’t Know How
POPK15 The Budgies - Summertime Obsessions
POPK14 Valentine Academy - Adam & Steve Religion Is Fiction
POPK12 V/A - Popkonst, Love & Understanding
POPK11 Stars in Coma - Gizmo Goes to War
POPK10 V/A - Efter regn kommer solsken
POPK09 Your Place or Mine - Atta Boy EP
POPK08 50hertz - Hemligheten är att lägga beslag på rubbet
POPK07 Handsome Train - This Engine Should Do
POPK06 Cat & Dog Dialogue - Cut’n Paste Me Out Of Place
POPK05 Nixon - Snow Day
POPK04 The Happy Birthdays - A Happy Birthday To You
POPK03 Nixon - Crazy, Sexy, Cool
POPK02 V/A - This Is Popkonst (And We Love You)
POPK01 V/A - Rundgång: Skinkmacka på teckenspråk

Four Wheels - The Fermats from POPK01 V/A - Rundgång: Skinkmacka på teckenspråk

The Pale Routine Of Hers - Corduroy UTD. from POPK01 V/A - Rundgång: Skinkmacka på teckenspråk


In A Dream - Corduroy UTD.

I Was Born A Polar Bear - Javelins from Popkonst 002 This Is Popkonst (And We Love You

Sunshine -The Flu from Popkonst 002 This Is Popkonst (And We Love You

This Time The Girl (Is A Boy) Nixon

When My Broken Heart Was Modern Art - Erik Hallden from POPK12 V/A - Popkonst, Love & Understanding

I’m Better Off - Lost Summer Kitten

Lucky Sunday - The Budgies

Med En Sol - 50 Hertz

Revanche - Stars In Coma
A Lifetime Of Pent Up Sadness - Stars In Coma