Saturday, November 14, 2009

You Crazy Dreamers

You Crazy Dreamers

Curtis Harvey brings old to new again with “Box of Stones”

Posted: 14 Nov 2009 08:53 AM PST

Box of Stones

I don’t remember who sent me this “blast from the past” album from FatCat Recording artist Curtis Harvey.  It might have been one of these You Crazy Dreamers bloggers, so I thought I would put a bit of finger to keyboard for it.

The album “Box of Stones” is a new release (Nov. 3rd here in North America, rest of planet still pending I think) and is choke full of acoustic country folk that is just a bit more country than folk.  Almost like the album cover, I believe it speaks to another time of sephia toned whiskey joints and live roots music.  The sound created seems both personal and full of energy (even if it is a bit down tempo at times) with Harvey’s blood and guts built right in.  It is said that he recorded the entire album in his basement with few takes – just took it as it was.  I think that is why it seems full of that energy – it is really him, not his recording mixed and reproduced 50 times till it’s a fraction of the sound it once was.    A song like “Borrowed Time” has a straight forward structure but seems like was put together like it was happening all at once.  It might be the collection of sounds in the background, but I don’t know – it just sounds that way.  You can also have a songs like “Joking” or “Words” which are more in the vein of a back porch tribute to a previous time while at the same time being quite beautiful.

Another great track I found on the album is the sing a long “Oldertoo” which is a bit up tempo and brings a bit of kick to the step of this sad bastard.  It brings in banjo and an easy sound…I think it could just be the leg slapping (or what is reminiscent of a lite version of “foot stompin’ honky tonk”) – that track is included below, see for yourself!

Sidenote and recommendation: I do know I have kind of beat the vibe of “Americana past” into the ground for this post.  I have noticed with today’s indie music landscape where there is a country folk artist on every indie label’s roster (and maybe Harvey is FatCat’s resident guy with a guitar), Harvey brings a country worth considering.  With that, Curtis Harvey’s album is definitely worth a few spins, especially while sitting back with a favourite beverage of choice.

Curtis Harvey
“Oldertoo” (mp3)
from “Box Of Stones”
(Fat Cat Records)

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